Lilian Tayviah

Business Administration Graduate

“My online learning experience at Kenner University was a transformative voyage. It taught me resilience, tested my limits, and connected me with brilliant minds.” 

Graduate Testimonial

I commenced my studies at Kenner University on June 6, 2022. As a business administration student, I embarked on an exciting adventure in the world of virtual education. However, this journey was not without its challenges.

One of the most significant hurdles I faced was the struggle to access a stable internet connection. Living in an area with limited connectivity, I often found myself navigating through slow loading times and frustrating interruptions. Despite these obstacles, I  persevered, determined to make the most of my online learning experience.

Another pressure point was the relentless stream of assignment deadlines. Balancing coursework, family responsibilities, and other commitments demanded discipline and time management. Yet, it was during these moments of pressure that I discovered my resilience and adaptability. Each deadline became an opportunity for growth, pushing me to refine my organizational skills and prioritize effectively.

Amidst these challenges, I am immensely grateful for the exceptional professors and doctors at Kenner University. Their unwavering support and expertise made all the difference. They didn’t just teach; they mentored, inspired, and encouraged. Whether through insightful feedback or thought-provoking discussions, they took their time to impart knowledge and ignite curiosity.

To the qualified professors who illuminated complex concepts and the compassionate doctors who nurtured our intellectual curiosity, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Their dedication to shaping young minds transcended the digital divide. They transformed mere information into wisdom, and their impact on my journey cannot be overstated.

In conclusion, my online learning experience at Kenner University was a transformative voyage. It taught me resilience, tested my limits, and connected me with brilliant minds. As I reflect on this chapter, I carry with me not only academic knowledge but also a profound appreciation for the human spirit that thrives even in the face of adversity.

Thank you, Kenner University, for shaping me into a lifelong learner—one who embraces challenges, celebrates victories and cherishes the pursuit of knowledge.


Lilian Tayviah