Biblical Studies Concentration

The Biblical Studies core allows students to explore the interpretation and provenance of the Old Testament and examine the significance of the content and message of the New Testament. Students learn the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith and beliefs, including Revelation, the Trinity, creation, reconciliation, and the church, by reviewing biblical languages and learning about research tools for studying biblical texts.

Program Duration: 2 Years
Course Level: Undergraduate
Cost: $12 per credit
Total Credit Hours: 60

General Education Core

Total: 24 Credit Hours
BIB 110 Introduction to Biblical Worldviews & Contemporary Moral Issues
COM 110 Intercultural Communication
ENG 120 College Composition for Multilingual Students
GEO 110 World Regional Geography
HUM 120 Ethics: Theory & Practice
IT 100 Fundamentals of Information Systems
MTH 110 Business Mathematics
NS 110 Natural Science

Biblical Studies Core

Total: 30 Credit Hours
BIB 110 Old Testament
BIB 120 New Testament
BIB 200 Life and Teachings of Jesus
BIB 210 Romans
BIB 300 Teaching the Bible
BIB 350 Intro to Apologetics
RLG 300 Theological Survey I
RLG 310 Theological Survey II
RLG 330 Christian Doctrine


Total: 6 Credit Hours

Students may select any course from the BIB, RGL, or MIN listing