Ready to Start Your Journey?

As a global university, we believe a diverse student body helps to create an atmosphere where students can grow together and share unique perspectives. Kenner University seeks undergraduate and graduate degree applicants whose goals are commensurate with both the institutional mission and the intended outcomes of the desired undergraduate or graduate program.

Undergraduate and Graduate Application Procedures. We strongly advise applicants to initiate and complete the admission process at the earliest opportunity. This allows ample time for other institutions to send transcripts and documentation to Kenner University, ensuring a smooth and efficient application process. Failure to receive all official transcripts delays the processing of an application.

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Name (as indicated on ID)


The following information is requested for institutional compliance with state and federal reporting regulations and does not affect the applicant’s admission to the College. Please select the appropriate category:

Marital Status (select one)

First Generation College Student: Did either of your parents graduate from a college or university?

First Generation College Student

Academic Programs (Select one program of interest)

(Scroll to see all available programs)
What session are you planning to enroll at KU?
Do you have a high school diploma?
Have you attended a college or university previously?